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101 Things in 1001 Days ~ Challenge

    I am sure most of you have heard of a bucket list, or may even keep a list of things that you’d like to accomplish, experience, or see before you die. Most of us all have that mental checklist of things we walk around with just waiting for life to present us with the opportunity to finally check one off. These past couple of years I have had a lot of big life changes, I quit my job, sold the ‘family’ house, moved to another state, and even started a business, among other things. With all this change happening I got to thinking about my bucket list and the things I still have not gotten to…yet. I realized...

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DIY Booth Space

DIY Booth Space (My first experience ) Have you thought of renting a booth in a retail space? I finally took the plunge and branched out to a small space in an artist market in downtown Olympia.  It’s called Gallery Boom, located on the corner of Legion and Adams. After many summer afternoons pondering if I wanted to take my online business to the next level and sell my handmade knitwear offline I took the leap. Surprisingly there are many local business that offer spaces to rent within their shops. Keeping in mind the Knit One Too brand and values, I stumbled upon Gallery Boom, I found that it was a great place for me to try out one-of-a-kind pieces...

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Who’s the girl in front of the camera?

You see all the photos with the model wearing the cute hand knit hat or scarf, do you ever wonder, what’s her life really like?  I’d like to introduce you to the girl in front of the camera wearing all the Knit One Too cozy knitwear.   Her name is Allie, she’s been on more life adventures than most college students and logged more miles around the world than many CEO’s. She is currently attending school at Western Washington University, while also working a on campus job and working for Knit One Too, helping to fuel her adventure fund.   During the 2 years she should have been in Middle School, Allie sailed the Pacific Rim with her parents and...

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